Will this May rain ever stop...? Our rainy weekend activities included last transplants of seedlings...photographing flowers opening around the yard (violets, johnny jump ups, trilliums, forget me nots, tulips, bloodroot)...cozy woodstove fires (we love our little Jotul)...card games ("go fish" is a current favourite with our daughter)...wooden blocks to build with...starting a quilt...baking pies for the sale this weekend (mulberry-raspberry with the last of our mulberries picked last summer, apricot, apple & wild blueberry, and sour cherry, rhubarb)..."hardening off" our chicks by letting them live on the back porch under roof cover...mmmm, a few rainy days aren't so bad after all.
The rain is bumming us out a little too, but we're trying to make the most of it. I'll admit to a few movie days, snuggled up on the couch, but I'm not perfect, haha. Lots of baking, colouring, crafts and such. Listening to music, and splashing in puddles when the mood strikes!