
Sunday, April 26, 2009

blooming earth festival

We had a busy day yesterday, celebrating "earth day" with the Blooming Earth Festival at our local farmers market. We were part of a large handmade market that showcased 30-40 vendors making all manner of handmade goods - with the emphasis on natural, upcycled, or organic products. A few photos above show our display. Greg made the display cases out of wood that is over 100 years old, which was salvaged from a renovation job he worked on! He's been saving it for just the right project and this was it. We had soaps, salves, teas and you can see the new organic buckwheat dream pillows.

We got up around 5 am (I have great respect for all the local farmers who do this every week for market!), and in the just breaking dawn surrounded by spring bird song and an otherwise sleeping city we headed downtown with our bike trailer loaded full of our products, and baby bundled into her stroller. It felt empowering to be able to walk with everything we needed for the booth and display, rather than having to depend on a vehicle. It made us think about doing walking vacations, where we simply pack up our bike trailer with tent, sleeping bags and food and head out the door. We hope to do some of this kind of walking (or bicycling) vacation this summer.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth - it was nice to have such community support, and all those extra hugs for baby Maya! We had many conversations about city chickens, as there are plenty of people curious about what it's like to have a few hens and how they might get some for themselves. We are always happy to talk about our urban homesteading projects, and hope that we can inspire others to try some of these aspects in their own lives. Even what may seem like small steps, for example gardening a few tomatoes in a container on the front porch, committing to buying local, naturalizing your front lawn, or setting up a few more rain barrels, is worthwhile and part of the ongoing urban homesteading journey.

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