
Friday, September 18, 2009

Local herbal gift basket for Margaret Atwood

The Kitchener Public Library is hosting Margaret Atwood on Sept 26, as part of the Word on the Street festival that weekend. Margaret Atwood is going to be reading from her new book The Year of the Flood. Although I've read many of her novels, I haven't read this one yet, but can't wait to get my hands on a copy - the book is about an apocalyptic time when few humans remain and includes an interesting cast of characters including a fictitious "green" cult religious group called God's Gardener's (with saints such as Terry Fox, saint of locomotion without fossil fuels, saint Farley Mowat of the Wolves, saint Al Gore, saint Desmond Tutu, etc) that is facing a post-pandemic world.

The KPL was putting together a gift basket of locally made items, and asked for an assortment of soaps and herbal products from Homestead Herbals! I feel honoured to have Margaret Atwood receiving my handmade products and hope she'll enjoy them. I included a gardener's hand salve (appropriate given the group in her book), some teas, and a bug spray as she has a cottage on Pelee Island where she often does her writing (and this time of year she could use some natural bug spray if she's spending time outdoors!). The gift basket also included local honey from my beekeeper friend, and a handmade hemp washcloth to go with the soaps.

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