
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Calcium rich tea for kids!

Tea parties have become a daily event at our house - and we have special tea cups, tea pots and spoons that little hands can use, served picnic style on a quilt right on the floor, or at a low wooden table for two.  A nice ritual.  We have made up several special "kids" blends using herbs we dried from our gardens, including a sleepy tea (with lavender, chamomile, lemon balm) and a calcium-rich tea that we sweeten with a little honey, store in a glass mason jar, and serve as a cold drink later in the day.  Any tea can be made into a "juice", and berry or fruit teas are especially nice.  The calcium tea has become a favourite around here.  This is what it includes: chamomile, rosehips, rose petals, red raspberry leaf, oatstraw, lemon balm, lemongrass.


  1. Hi there, I was just looking for your calcium tea in your etsy store. Did I miss it (very possible)? Wondering if I can purchase some.

  2. Hi - I don't have the tea in my etsy store yet, but will put it in shortly. Please check back by the end of the weekend :)
